the audition-ready snare setup

let’s talk about snare drum gear for a minute.

i actually own 7 snare drums and about 3 million snare drum sticks, but there’s one drum that’s my go-to that i use most of the time, and i basically only ever use one pair of drumsticks. (except on rare occasions when i’m playing a field drum onstage or something like that.)

and you guys are asking me all the time about what snare drum you should buy, what muffling you should use, and stuff like that, so i decided to put it all into a video and show you my entire snare drum setup for auditions, for my delécluse recording, and for orchestra.
today’s video is about my 8-piece audition-ready snare drum setup.

i go over the following pieces of gear:
muffling clips

rob knopper

hailed by @nytimes as needing 'louder triangle notes'. recorded delécluse: douze études for snare drum, percussionist in @metorchestra.